Speech and Language Clinic

The Hardin-Simmons University Speech and Language Clinic (HSUSLC) serves the general population throughout Abilene and the Big Country. The clinic provides diagnostic services and intervention for both pediatric and adult clients with a variety of speech, language, and swallowing disorders. Its primary goals are to provide high-quality speech and language services to clients of all ages and to be a central training site for the graduate level students within the HSU Department of Speech-Language Pathology.

At the clinic, HSU graduate student clinicians work with clients under the direct supervision of licensed and certified speech-language pathologists. Our students have access to the latest research in the field of speech-language pathology and work hand-in-hand with their expert supervisors to identify clients’ needs within the assessment process and then provide the best possible intervention.

Following a comprehensive assessment focused on determining clients’ specific strengths and challenges, intervention may be recommended. Intervention will target the identified areas of communication challenges, beginning with the identification of appropriate goals. Treatment plans are individualized for each client, depending upon the unique communication strengths and weaknesses.

The mission of Hardin-Simmons University is to be a community dedicated to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values. To that end, the HSUSLC is committed to providing high-quality speech and language services at no cost.

Speech and Language Clinical Services

The HSUSLC is focused on providing exceptional services by integrating evidence-based practice and current research into both assessments and treatments for populations with a variety of impairments, including:

  • Articulation (difficulty pronouncing sounds)
  • Voice
  • Fluency (stuttering)
  • Developing language
  • Literacy
  • Aphasia (acquired language disorder)
  • Apraxia and dysarthria (motor speech disorders)
  • Feeding and swallowing
  • Pragmatics (social communication)
  • Cognitive communication (attention, memory, organization)

Physical address:

HSU SLP Clinic
2200 Hickory St.
HSU Box 16172
Abilene, TX 79698-6172

Phone: 325-670-1014

E-mail address: slp@taogoods.net

An assessment is necessary for each new client and will be completed by a graduate student clinician under the direct supervision of a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist. The purpose of the assessment/evaluation is to identify both communication strengths and challenges to then determine appropriate treatment options. The assessment typically begins with an in-depth interview with the client and family which enables our experts to develop an understanding of the communication abilities and concerns. The assessment may include formal and informal measures in the form of observations, standardized tests, and questionnaires. Following the assessment, a second appointment will be made in which the results and recommendations will be reviewed with the client and family.

Scheduling an appointment

To schedule an appointment or obtain more information, you may call (325)670-1014 or e-mail slp@taogoods.net.  You will also need to complete a client intake form prior to scheduling your initial visit. Download the pediatric client intake form or download the adult client intake form. Following completion of the form, please return it to slp@taogoods.net, and our staff will contact you to schedule the initial assessment. If you’d prefer to return the intake form via mail, you may send it to the following address:

HSU SLP Clinic
2200 Hickory St.
HSU Box 16172
Abilene, TX 79698-6172

Day of assessment

The HSUSLC is located in the Hemphill/Caldwell Complex on HSU’s campus. View a map of campus. Parking is available in the east lot adjacent to Caldwell Hall. You will check in on the 1st floor. If you go through the doors marked “Lee Hemphill Music Building,” the speech-language pathology suite where you may check in will be directly in front of you.

Please arrive at your first appointment 15 minutes early to complete additional paperwork.

Family members may be part of the assessment process as the clinician gathers information about specific concerns. When the focus of the assessment moves to identification of the client’s abilities, family members may observe from the observational room. Please note that parents/caregivers must remain on site during the assessment process.

After the assessment

Following the assessment, a second appointment will be necessary. During this second appointment, your clinician will review the results and recommendations of the evaluation and will provide you with a written report.  You may schedule your second appointment on the day of assessment, or you may choose to wait and have us call to schedule this appointment once the report is complete. Please allow up to ten days for the clinician to generate the report.


The HSUSLC follows the University’s academic calendar, providing speech and language services year-round during three semesters (i.e., fall, spring, and summer). The frequency of treatment sessions will be determined on an individual basis. Typically, clients who require services continuing beyond one semester are assigned to a new clinician each semester. This allows clients to improve their ability to generalize new skills within a variety of contexts and provides our student clinicians with varied experiences.


Family members are welcome to observe treatment sessions from the observational room. Please be courteous to others by keeping noise to a minimum in the observational room. Please also note that parents/caregivers must remain on site during their child’s treatment sessions.

Canceling an appointment

If you need to cancel your appointment for any reason, please contact the HSUSLC as soon as possible by calling (325)670-1014 or by sending a message to slp@taogoods.net. Thank you for your consideration in keeping your appointments.

How to help your family member

Clients with families who are involved in the process of speech-language intervention often make faster progress than those who do not have support at home. Ask your family member’s clinician what you can do at home to help carry over learned skills from the clinic. Remember that speech-language therapy can take a lot of time and effort. Be patient and understanding with your family member as he/she progresses through the program.


Your confidentiality is of utmost importance as we provide speech and language services. All graduate clinicians, supervisors, and support staff are trained to follow HIPPA protocols to protect your health information. Careful policies and procedures are in place to ensure that your privacy is maintained.


We love for family members to play an active role in the intervention process. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the course of treatment, please feel free to discuss them with your assigned clinician. Should you feel that you need to speak with the clinician’s supervisor, you may contact Dee Kirby, Clinical Director, at 325-670-1039 or Dee Ann Shelton, Program Director, at 325-670-1020.

Aphasia group is a place for people with aphasia to come together on a weekly basis and work in a group setting with trained graduate clinicians under the supervision of a licensed SLP. Aphasia group focuses on building relationships, improving confidence with communication, learning new strategies, participating in life activities, and having fun. It is based on the principles of the Life Participation Approach for Aphasia which has been recommended by leaders in the field.

The HSU aphasia group meets on Tuesdays from 2 p.m.-3 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. We meet on the HSU campus in the Hemphill Music Building. It is free to all members and does not require an evaluation prior to attending.

To register for aphasia group, simply call 325-670-1841 or e-mail slp@taogoods.net.